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Tom Stamp

Over the past 25 years, Tom Stamp has emerged as one of Australia’s most accomplished product development advisors, helping innovators in the medical, communications and automation sectors to bring their technologies to market. Working for biotech companies, government agencies, and more recently his own consulting firm, Tom has developed and commercialised an impressive array of medical devices, diagnostic platforms, laser tracking systems, and communications technologies – seeing them through the minefield of development, safety and regulatory requirements that lie on the path to commercialisation.


An electronics engineer by training, Tom tracked satellites for Geoscience Australia and developed hardware and software for the Department of Defence before committing himself to more earthly pursuits as a biomedical innovator. As a product development manager, he led the commercialisation of several ground-breaking devices, including Universal Biosensors’ OneTouch Verio Blood Glucose Meter and proprietary immunoassay platform, and OptiScan’s endomicroscopy imaging technology. More recently, as head of Blue Curve, he has guided the development and regulatory journeys of prospective monitoring systems for diabetes, movement disorders, and neonatal care. As well as managing early-stage product design, Tom helps his clients build partnerships with global manufacturers and medical device companies, complete clinical trials and regulatory submissions, and secure patents for novel inventions

"In theory, there is no difference

between theory and practice. But in practice, there is" - Benjamin Brewster

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